NO WATER, NO LIFE #water #ocean #life #climatechange #pollution #stoppla...
" NO WATER, NO LIFE " In this series of short films, it's all about save the ocean. “No Water, no life. No blue, no green” “With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you are connected to the sea. No matter where you live. “ “The whole of the eco systems of the world is based on the healthy ocean and if that part of the planet becomes dysfunctional and goes wrong, then the whole of life on this planet will suffer.” We need to change our behavior and improve our waste management processes to a level that prevents plastic getting into the oceans or risk losing the very thing that gives us life the water. Many of the sea and jungle creatures we love – birds, fish, turtles and whales – die because of the plastic that's suffocating our seas. Plastic is choking our oceans. Plastic floods the Philippines' beaches and rivers. Although people might associate this level of litter with overconsumption, plastic pollution in the Philippines is both the re...