THE BULBUL CAP series #6 | Bird watching essentials #birdwatcher #nature...

Join this channel to get access to perks: THE BULBUL CAP IDEA My Bulbul Cap THE BIRD WATCHER – INSPIRATION Yellow-Vented Bulbul The idea of a Bulbul cap refers to a type of bird called the Yellow-vented bulbul. He is noisy every morning because he eats the fruit of my papaya tree. Which usually grazes in my garden. Papaya tree in my garden Yellow-Vented Bulbul in guava trees He also often stays in guava trees and chili leaves. The most common urban bulbul in Southeast Asia, this attractive songster is a common sight in cities, parks, and plantations, as well as in open forests, edges, and secondary growth. CAMP ATTACK SERIES #6 BULBUL CAP The Bulbul cap is a symbolic messenger of peace and joy, a beloved bird in many cultures across the world. For centuries, it has been seen as a spiritual being full of wisdom and mystery – its graceful beauty and melodic songs with hope and joy. Peace Dove Patches and Enamel Pi...