CAMPING SAFETY #safetytips #camping #camping...



It's about camping safety tips. Double "SS" stands for safety and secure.

Ito ay tungkol sa mga tip sa kaligtasan sa camping. Ang double "SS" na ibig sabihin ay SAFETY and SECURED.

Another segment in my Pinoy Camping playlist I called - 'Ang Double "SS" ni Kuya Jess it's about pinoy camping safety tips. the double SS it means SAFETY and SECURED it is a hiker's code the first and second rule to help hikers become more self-aware about their responsibility for their own safety every time they are on a hike travel either camping, fishing, hunting, traveler, backpacker, survival or in an emergency situation Safety precaution is required.
Camping is fun and full of adventure so go enjoy the outdoors! We've put together comprehensive lists to help with your next campout as a solo camper, couple or family in a tent, camper or big RV, safety and preparedness will always be number one. Here are some safety tips and tricks and first aid hacks. Family camping or dispersed camping!

How to stay safe camping?

Worried about camping safety? Find out how to stay safe while camping.


Starts with your choice of planning your next camping trip location. 
In choosing a campsite, consider the wildlife you may find on a particular spot.

Here are some tips to help you plan a safe and enjoyable camping trip:

1. Plan your Camping Trips- LOCATION

A. What place to camp? Is it a safe place to go?

B. Pack Accordingly

But when you’re backpacking, you actually want the lighter stuff on the bottom and the heavier stuff towards the middle/top of the core of your pack (the actual top of your pack is invariably a separate compartment that we’ll discuss in the next section). What’s more, you want the heavy stuff to be as close to your back as possible. Distributing the pack’s weight this way directs the load downward rather than backward, providing more comfort and stability while you’re hiking. 

How to Pack a Backpack

Following this guideline, a general packing order for your backpack would, from bottom to top, look like this:
  • Sleeping bag
  • Clothes (clothes can also be wrapped around various loose items to fill in gaps and keep things from shifting around)
  • Sleeping pad
  • Stove 
  • Water bladder (if your pack has a special bladder compartment it will probably reside in this core area of the pack)
  • Tent
  • Food (food ends up being the heaviest stuff on a backpacking trip)

C. Make a camping packing list.

The hat and sunglasses is also protection from the heat of the sun
 so that your neck does not burn while in camping.

D. Create an activity itinerary.

E. Meal Preparation - breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack.

F. Camping on a Budget-Friendly

2. Choose a safe campsite

Choose a campsite that gets good reviews online.

A. There is a signal on the campground.
B. Read the review and be aware that you are looking for the perfect spot campground for you. before the reservation was made.
C. The area is easy to access.

3. Weather Forecast

A. Be aware of the weather.
B. Look at both the daytime and night-time temperatures as warm sunny days can turn into frosty cold nights. You may need sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen during the day and thick socks, jacket and a warm thermal blanket at night.


Thermal Blanket

4. Be aware of any risks around your tent

Before you do, make sure you have a look around and consider the risks in the immediate area.

A. Make sure you have a look around and consider the risks in the immediate area.

B. Avoid camping directly under large gum trees. Some                species are susceptible to dropping large branches at any        time. The last thing you want is a branch dropping on top of      your tent in the middle of the night.

C. Consider where water will drain in the event of rain. Avoid camping in creek beds and over ditches where water may pool.

If you’re camping with your children, consider setting up away from potential dangers like rivers, creeks, or steep drop-offs.

And always look out for ant nests! It’s no fun setting up your tent on top of a horde of angry ants.

How to keep ants away from your campsite?

5. Bring plenty of food and water

A. Make sure you bring plenty of water for drinking and cleaning your clothes and laundry.

-Most campsites are not connected to main water.

Campsites you just discovered near the river, of course you should find out first.

B. Research the area to see if it is safe and clean to drink. Especially if you are with your family.

Is it good to camp there, you always think about safety, if it is safe to camp in the area.

C. There are animals that defecate or urinate next to waterways that may contaminate and damage your stomach.


-Remember, the water in the tank is not treated so it is not suitable for drinking.

 it is important to avoid food poisoning. 

Worried about getting food poisoning on your travels? 

-Plan how many days to carry food and water. 
-When preparing foods in camping it's very important to       organize your camping food storage container.

Compartments Fruits & Meat

Food Storage Box Organizer Container

Make sure the water bowls are in proper and clean containers.

        Collapsible Bottles- Lightweight

Outdoor portable bucket camping with faucet

TOP TIP: Think about how you store your food.


It is important that the containers are Air-tight so that bugs or insects do not crawl.

you don't want your food to have a bonus.

6. Have First Aid equipment available

A good idea is to train yourself. in case of trouble

and you need to treat a wounded person. you must have enough FIRST AID KIT available.

Bandages, antiseptic cream, alcohol to clean any wounds scratches,

bites or cuts you may get on the trail or road.


Using insect repellent, wearing long-sleeved tops and long pants will help prevent bites. Make sure you keep the fly screens on tents closed whenever possible and don’t leave open water and drink containers around your campsite as they can attract thirsty insects.

wearing long sleeves and pants when outside we definitely have protection.

that mosquitoes must have no visible skin to ensure that you do not get bitten.

7. Know what services are available
Where you are going, you need to research if there is a signal in that area.

you always ask yourself is there a signal?
Is there a nearby settlement or clinic, are there local hospitals nearby and how to get there the fastest to save valuable time.

8. Keep your eye out for wildlife
During the warmer months, it’s possible that you will come across snakes. Snakes are generally shy and will not attack unless provoked, so it’s best to leave them be. 
Remember, even little snakes can be dangerous.

Always respect nature...

Keep wildlife wild! It is very important not to feed wildlife as it can change their natural behavior to become aggressive for food. Human food can also be difficult for them to digest and can lead to illness.

 Mosquitoes, ticks and other insects can bite and cause irritation and, in rare cases, carry diseases.

If you know in that area that there have been reports or cases

of malaria and dengue in a campsite or campground, that means.

it is not safe to camp in that area!

9. Be fire safe around campfires
 When it comes to camping, make sure you know the rules. not all campgrounds allow campfires, and during fire danger periods.

Not all parks or campgrounds allow campfires, and during the fire danger season campfires are not allowed in all national parks.

When campfires are allowed, there are a few things you need to consider:

A. First double check your surroundings always use                      designated fire areas. 

B. The bonfire should only be lit in places where there is clean       and dry ground with a pit, and a rock around it.

C. To prevent its spread that can start the burning of woods           and forests also caused by sudden strong winds.

D. Keep the fire at least 3 meters away from your tent. And make sure your camping gear, especially the fire source thing. such as butanes, gas bottles and gasoline cans must be stored properly.

 E. Check the condition of the soil if it is dry or wet. and know         the surroundings if it is windy.

F. Keep an eye on it and never leave a fire unattended.

 Watch your kids 

-Keep a close eye on the kids and teach them how to be safe   around fires.

-Don’t let them poke the fire or throw things into it, and make     sure they keep a safe distance.

-Teach them to assume everything around a fire is hot – even   the metal on a nearby camping chair can become     unexpectedly hot and cause burns.

Keep it simple

Keep it simple and easily extinguished or extinguished.

The campsite fires should only be large enough for cooking and heating on cold nights. 

If you leave the area, extinguish the fire properly with water.
keep adding water to it until it loses its heat!

Do not use soil even if you cover it, the coals can stay hot for more than 8 hours. which can be dangerous to anyone walking in the area after you leave.

-If you have children with you watch your children. watch the children and teach them how to be safe around fire.

-Don't let them play with the fire or throw any objects into it,

 make sure they are at a safe distance.

-Teach them that everything around the fire is hot, which can     cause burns.

-Make sure the area around the fire is clean and clear of   danger.

Have a bucket of water and shovel nearby to extinguish any potential fire spread. 

Do not use flammable liquids to start a fire, as it can be very dangerous. if there are still hot coals.

Know the campground rules

  • Remember that not all campgrounds are allowed to cut trees and turn them into firewood.
  • Remember that collecting firewood inside the national park is an offence, so you must bring your own firewood. 

For campfire cooking. plan what to cook on the fire?

Look at your surroundings
Always use designated fireplaces. Fires should only be lit in cleared areas, both above and around the fire. Keep the fire at least 3 meters away from your tent and make sure your camping equipment, especially flammable items such as aerosols, gas bottles and fuel cans, are stored well away.

Check the conditions
If it’s dry and windy, forget it. Fires can quickly escape in these conditions. 

10. Drive Safely

A. So, make sure you observe limit on the road and keep a close eye on the roadsides.

B. Double check your car thoroughly. if you prefer car camping, moto camping, or bike camping,

your vehicle must be in good condition before traveling.

Know the routes on the road and follow the speed limit on the road.

Make sure your car is well stocked with repair supplies to avoid breakdowns while traveling.

With so many beautiful sights to see in the Philippines,

anyone will want to stop to take a photo.

just make sure you stop where it's safe to do to park a car.

Keep an eye on your belongings especially when you are on the side of the road. 

Be prepared on your next adventure with these safety tips.

Staying safe when camping is important!

So, here’s my list of things you must pack for camping:

SUNGLASSES: FAN: UMBRELLA: HAT: CAMPING TENT: TACTICAL PANTS: ARM SLEEVES COVER: FOOD CONTAINER TUPPERWARE: FIRST AID KIT TACTICAL BAG: CAMPING COOLER: CAMPING COLLAPSIBLE WATER BOTTLE LIGHTWEIGHT: OFF! MOSQUITO REPELLENT LOTION:!-Mosquito-Repellent-Lotion-Overtime-Twin-Pack-(100ml-x-2)-i.301245933.8507119258?sp_atk=f2cdcaec-775e-4eb6-a450-b6c831c96a87&xptdk=f2cdcaec-775e-4eb6-a450-b6c831c96a87&fbclid=IwAR1SGBx4y5Tswwav9LAnJWlZIoPHq2cMpJhXGiueG22OyR9zmbjAdpCg9yg PORTABLE CAMPIMG WATER CONTAINER:




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