THE HISTORY OF CAMPING #camping #history #carcamping #backpacking #bikec...

Part 1

Alright! Hello mga ka-Campy dito sa bago nating segment.
"NA HINDI NYO BA ALAM?" Pag-uusapan naman natin ang kasaysayan ng camping kung Kailan Ano, Bakit, Saan at Paano ito nagsimula, siyempre 'yung hindi nyo pa alam. O-ha!

Alright! Hello fellow campy, friends here in our new segment "DID YOU NOT KNOW?" We will talk about the history of camping, when, what, why, where and how it started. of course, what you don't know yet. O-ha!


The history of recreational camping, as we know it today, can be traced back to the turn of the 20th Century.

 Thomas Hiram Holding 

In 1908, Thomas Hiram Holding produced the 

The Camper’s Handbook, which helped to popularize his love of camping in the outdoors as a recreational activity in the United Kingdom. Holding wrote the book after remembering his early years, and the time he spent travelling across the United States of America with his family in a wagon train.

His urge to camp derived from his experiences as a boy: in 1853 he crossed the prairies of the United States in a wagon train, covering some 1,200 miles (1,900 km) with a company of 300.

In 1877 he camped with a canoe on a cruise in the Highlands of Scotland, and he made a similar trip the next year. He wrote two books on these ventures. Later he used a bicycle as his camping vehicle and wrote.


Cycle and Camp (1898)

In 1908 and founded the Association of Cycle Campers, now the Camping and Caravanning Club.

Holding founded the first camping club in the world, the Association of Cycle Campers, in 1901. By 1907 it had merged with a number of other clubs to form the Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland.

Thomas Hiram Holding (1844 – 1930) 

was a British tailor and often considered the founder of modern camping. 

In July 1897, at the age of 52, he designed and made a very small, lightweight tent which could be carried on a bicycle, and set off on a three-day cycle-camping tour in south-west Ireland with his son Frank and two friends, all of whom had spent much time together camping and sailing for many years. By December of that year, he had written Cycle and Camp detailing how the four made that pioneering journey and how this kind of holiday could be enjoyed by anyone for little cost.

 Robert Falcon Scott 

the famous Antarctic explorer, became the first president of the Camping Club in 1909.

Hunters Camping in Maine, 1886

What is Camping? 
Camping is an outdoor activity that involves staying the night/more than one night in a protective shelter out in nature. Camping is a broad term but, in its essence, camping is a way of getting away from the hassle of urban life to a more natural environment for a limited time.


Organized camping of another kind started in the United States in 1861 with a boys’ camp, run by Frederick William Gunn and his wife at Milford-on-the-Sound for students at the Gunnery School for Boys in Washington, Conn. Its success was immediate and was repeated for 18 successive years. Other similar camps began to develop. The first girls’ camp was established in 1888 by Luther Halsey Gulick and his wife on the Thames River in Connecticut.

The first formal camps in the U.S. - The Gunnery Camp and others


“At night, we camped in two or three big tents, and the close of the second day found us settled down at the Point, with the salt waves breaking on the bluffs a few rods away,

” Mr. Gunn's students wrote in "The Master of The Gunnery," noting that the lively trip was distinguished by “its sport in the surf, its evening songs, its dances on the turf by night, its ballgames...”

Note that some of the students are dressed as Zouaves in French-military inspired uniforms. On the far left are the donkeys and carts mentioned in Brian Back’s book, 

“The Keewaydin Way, A Portrait: 1893 ‒ 1983.”

 Frederick Gunn 
 the iconoclastic founder of The Gunnery, now the Frederick Gunn School, an independent boarding and day school in Washington, Connecticut (founded in 1850),

Frederick Gunn, Founder of The Gunnery, and Father of Recreational Camping,

The whole school, along with friends and colleagues of Mr. Gunn, populated the camp at Point Beautiful, participating in activities that included hunting, fishing, boating and swimming. According to his biographers, students would wake to a morning bugle call, followed by a second call for breakfast, and a later call for “Family Meeting,” which was conducted under a large elm. The boys listened to “words of advice and caution” from Mr. Gunn, who appointed “a committee to take charge of the swimmers,” captains for each boat, and two squads, one to supply wood for the campfire, and one to fetch fresh water from a nearby spring.

Frederick Gunn has been identified in this first known photograph of a baseball game in progress. It was taken on August 4, 1869, on the Washington Green during the first Gunnery alumni reunion and was featured in Ken Burns' documentary and book Baseball.

Lord Robert Baden-Powell
 (February 22, 1857 - January 8, 1941) 
was a soldier, writer and founder of the world Scouting movement. He was the sixth of eight sons amongst ten children.

Baden-Powell became appropriately known as the “Chief Scout of the World.

His first introduction to scouting skills was stalking and cooking animals, and avoiding teachers, in nearby woods, which were strictly out-of-bounds for the school that he attended. He also played the piano and violin, was an ambidextrous artist of some talent, and enjoyed acting. Holidays were usually spent on yachting or canoeing expeditions with his brothers.

Baden-Powell served in the British Army from 1876 until 1910 in India and Africa. In 1899, during the Second Boar War in South Africa, Baden-Powell successfully defended the town in the Siege of Mafeking. A Boer army of in excess of 8,000 men surrounded him and his troops. Although wholly outnumbered, the garrison withstood the siege for 217 days, and much of this is attributable to some of the cunning military deceptions instituted at Baden-Powell's behest as commander of the garrison. As a result, Baden-Powell became a national hero back home.

On his return home, Baden-Powell found that his military training manual "Aids to Scouting" had become something of a best seller and was being used by teachers and youth organizations. Following a meeting with the founder of the Boys' Brigade, Sir William Smith, Baden-Powell decided to re-write Aids to Scouting to suit a youth readership, and in 1907 held a camp on Brownsea Island for 22 boys of mixed social background to test out some of his ideas, which is now seen as the beginning of the Scouting movement.

Baden-Powell, a lieutenant general in the British Army and hero of the Boer War in South Africa, had a dim view of the moral fiber and physical condition of British youth. He lamented that 1.75 million young Britons were "at present drifting into hooliganism for want of guiding hands to set them on the right road."

at Brownsea Island, 1907

The First Scout Camp

The First Campers

In 1907 Robert S. S. Baden-Powell organized a special nine-day outing to test his ideas for training boys. The ideas worked - and the Scouting movement was launched.

Historians agree that the worldwide Scouting movement evolved from many sources. But if Scouting as we know it had an official birth date, it would be Aug. 9, 1907.

That was the end of the camp for 22 English boys at which Robert S. S. Baden-Powell tested his ideas for training boys. After nine days, Baden-Powell knew his ideas worked.

The rest, as they say, is history.

The 22 boys who attended the Brownsea Island camp ranged in age from 9 to 17.

Thirteen were from upper-class families and attended such exclusive boarding schools as Eton, Harrow, and Baden-Powell's alma mater, Charterhouse.

The other nine were working-class boys from Poole and Bournemouth, across Poole Harbor from Brownsea Island. They were selected by leaders of the Boys' Brigade, a youth organization that featured marching, drill, and military lore.

Putting a 'scheme' to the test

To find out whether his methods (what he called his "scheme") would work with teen-agers, Baden-Powell set up a nine-day summer camp on Brownsea Island, a 500-acre, windswept tract in Poole Harbor off England's southern coast. 

 The event is regarded as the origin of the worldwide Scout   Movement. 

He planned a full program of activities, including campfire stories to teach such abstract concepts as honor and loyalty, and games and contests on such practical skills as tracking, signaling, pioneering, and first aid.

He also predicted that his "scheme" would find favor among youth organizations and others "interested in the development of manliness and good citizenship among the rising generation." It was "adaptable and inexpensive" and also "popular and attractive to the boys" while being "intensively interesting to instructors."

Boy Scouting was on its way.

 "Scouting Boys" 
was subsequently published in 1908 in six installments. Boys spontaneously formed Scout troops and the Scouting movement had inadvertently started, first a national, and soon an international obsession.

The Brownsea Island Scout Camp 
Encampment, Brownsea Island, August 1907

was the site of a boys' camping event on Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour, Southern England,
 organized by Lieutenant-General Baden- Powell

Up to the early 1930s, Boy Scouts continued to camp on Brownsea Island. In 1963, a formal 50-acre (20 ha) Scout campsite was opened by Olave Baden-Powell when the island became a nature conservation area owned by the National In 1973, a Scout Jamboree with six hundred Scouts was held on the island.

Site of the camping area on Brownsea Island

The worldwide Centenary of Scouting took place at the Brownsea Island Scout camp, celebrated on 1 August 2007, the 100th anniversary of the start of the first encampment. Activities by The Scout Association at the campsite included four Scout camps and a Sunrise Ceremony.

Stone on Brownsea Island
 Commemorating the First Scout Camp

A commemorative stone by sculptor Don Potter was unveiled on 1 August 1967 by Betty Clay nΓ©e.
 Baden-Powell, younger daughter of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell. It is located near the encampment area.

Camping Tent:

Camping Tent:

Camping Tent:

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